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Selectmen's Minutes December 16, 2003
Chichester Board of Selectmen

Present: Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman Arey and Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens

The Chairman opened the meeting at 6:05pm.
State Senator Jack Barnes stopped by the meeting to extend Holiday Greetings and inquire if there are any concerns the Board would like Mr. Barnes to bring to the state level.  Mr. Barnes remained to observe some of the meeting.

SUBJECT: Conservation Commission     
PRESENT: Jeff Andrews and Deb Soule      

The commission submitted their proposed warrant articles to the Board for recommendations and approval.   As directed by the Selectmen, Mr. Andrews has been in negotiations with Mr. Alan and Mr. Fred Shaw about acquiring the 7.1-acre parcel on Main Street.  The Board supports the article but would like to see some money used by the Conservation Commission Fund. The Conservation Commission is recommending   the three separate accounts be combined.  The Board gave their approval for the Treasurer to go ahead and consolidate the Conservation Accounts.  

The commission’s second article proposes to increase the amount of Land Use Change Tax Revenue they receive from 50% to 75%.  

SUBJECT: 2004 Proposed Budget
PRESENT: Budget Committee members; Marie McKay, John Martell, Steve MacCleery, Walter Sanborn and Bruce Dyke

The Board of Selectmen presented their budget proposal for 2004.   A lengthy discussion centered on the Selectmen’s proposed restructuring of job positions within the Selectmen’s Office.  The Board is recommending salary increases and increasing hours worked on both positions.  

The Budget Committee recommended the Board look into leasing a copier opposed to purchasing one.

The Fire Department and Ambulance Budgets and Warrant Articles were reviewed.
The Board of Selectmen voted 3 – 0 not to recommend the warrant article proposing to hire a full time Fire Chief.  The Budget Committee voted 3 nays ( McKay, Dyke,Martell) and 2 abstained (Sanborn,MacCleery) not to recommend the article for a full time Fire Chief.  The Selectmen and the Budget Committee do recommend the warrant article for purchasing new Extrication Equipment, however they would like to see some specifications on the equipment and have the Fire Department request proposals from three different vendors.  

In order to manage the total budget for the town, the Selectmen and the Budget Committee need to assess the operating budgets and the warrant articles as a whole.  To date they have not received any warrant articles from the highway department.

The Board of Selectmen will meet again with the Budget Committee on January 6, 2004.

Lisa will notify departments that warrant articles should be submitted to the Selectmen’s Office no later than December 29, 2003.


After a final review, Chairman Colbert made a motion to deny the abatement request from the Ambrose’s regarding the interest due on the former Maria’s Restaurant property located on Rte 28.  Selectman DeBold seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  

Mail and e-mail was reviewed.  Bills and payroll were signed.

The minutes of December 9, 2003 were approved as corrected.  

Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:00midnite.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Administrative Assistant

Chairman David Colbert                                  Approved As Written
Richard DeBold

Harold Arey